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Friday, January 21, 2011


THE  ongoing issue today of breeders willing to help the keen beginner, is well thought out here in 1924, most writings from learned breeders of the last two centuries, mirror the same problems encounted today, start right, many a year wasted by the wrong breed or inncorrect breeding from lack of quality stock. to learn a little from everyone is mentioned, a very good point, listen and listen, and take home what you think valid, be it an opinion by a judge, a comment by an exhibitor, or passer -by. be aware that the most unimportant looking trancient in the show shed, will be the most gifted breeder you will ever talk to. to learn to respect opinions by certain peoples will become easier with each visit to a show, the SPIN  spun by some will  be easier to spot. to travel further for the one big show of the year to see a large class of your fav ourite fowl, instead of the same five local shows with the same five birds, is of immense value.finally the humble exhibitor has much to give, the conversation is pure and not practiced, it will be much appreciated, by the listener.

more from this great gamefowl writer to follow, -remember that any writing by a valued breeder crosses over to any breed of fowl....

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